Too Busy For Words - the PaulWay Blog

Fri 7th Nov, 2008

Don't Repeat Yourself - Next Generation

I've become a big fan of Django, a web framework that has a nice blend of python, good design and flexibility. The template system might not appeal to the people who like to write code inside templates, but to me it forces programmers to put the code where it belongs - in the views (i.e. the controllers, to non-Djangoistas) or models. I love the whole philosophy of "Don't Repeat Yourself" in Django - that configuration should exist in one place and it should be easy to refer to that rather than having to write the same thing somewhere else. The admin system is nice, you can make it do AJAX without much trouble, and it behaves with WCGI so you can run a site in django without it being too slow.

The one thing I've found myself struggling with in the various web pages I've designed is how to do the sort of general 'side bar menu' and 'pages list' - showing you a list of which applications (as Django calls them) are available and highlighting which you're currently in - without hard coding the templates. Not only do you have to override the base template in each application to get its page list to display list to display correctly, but when you add a new application you then have to go through all your other base templates and add the new application in. This smacks to me of repeating oneself, so I decided that there had to be a better way.

Django's settings has an INSTALLED_APPS tuple listing all the installed applications. However, a friend pointed out that some things listed therein aren't actually to be displayed. Furthermore, the relationship between the application name and how you want it displayed is not obvious - likewise the URL you want to go to for the application. And I didn't want a separate list maintained somewhere that listed what applications needed to be displayed (Don't Repeat Yourself). I'm also not a hard-core Django hacker, so there may be some much better way of doing this that I haven't yet discovered. So my solution is a little complicated but basically goes like this:

First, you do actually need some settings for your 'shown' applications that's different from the 'silent' ones. For me this looks like:


    ('portal', {
        'display_name'  : 'Info',
        'url_name'      : 'index',
    ('portal.kb', {
        'display_name'  : 'KB',
        'url_name'      : 'kb_index',
    ('portal.provision', {
        'display_name'  : 'Provision',
        'url_name'      : 'provision_index',

INSTALLED_APPS = SILENT_APPS + tuple(map(lambda x: x[0], SHOWN_APPS))
We build the INSTALLED_APPS tuple that Django expects out of the silent and shown apps, although I imagine a few Python purists are wishing me dead for the map lambda construct. My excellent defence is a good grounding in functional programming. When my site supports Python 3000 and its pythonisations of these kind of concepts, I'll rewrite it.

So SHOWN_APPS is a tuple of tuples containing application paths and dictionaries with their parameters. In particular, each shown application can have a display_name and a url_name. The latter relates to a named URL in the URLs definition, so you then need to make sure that your index pages are listed in your application's file as:

    url(r'^$', 'kb.views.vIndex', name = 'kb_index'),
Note the 'name' parameter there, and the use of the url() constructor function.

You then need a 'context processor' to set up the information that can go to your template. This is a piece of code that gets called before the template gets compiled - it takes the request context and returns a dictionary which is added to the dictionary going to the template. At the moment mine is the file

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse

def app_names(request):
        Get the current application name and the list of all
        installed applications.
    dict = {}
    app_list = []
    project_name = None
    for app, info in settings.SHOWN_APPS:
        if '.' in app:
            name = app.split('.')[1] # remove project name
            name = app
            project_name = name
        app_data = {
            'name'  : name,
        # Display name - override or title from name
        if 'display_name' in info:
            app_data['display_name'] = info['display_name']
            app_data['display_name'] = name.title()
        # URL name - override or derive from name
        if 'url_name' in info:
            app_data['url'] = reverse(info['url_name'])
            app_data['url'] = reverse(name + '_index')
    dict['app_names'] = app_list
    app_name = request.META['PATH_INFO'].split('/')[1]
    if app_name == '':
        app_name = project_name
    dict['this_app'] = app_name
    return dict
Note the use of reverse. This takes a URL name and returns the actual defined URL for that name. This locks in with the named URL in the snippet. This is the Don't Repeat Yourself principle once again: you've already defined how that URL looks in your, and you just look it up from there. Seriously, if you're not using reverse and get_absolute_url() in your Django templates, stop now and go and fix your code.

We also try to do the Django thing of not needing to override behaviour that is already more or less correct. So we get display names that are title-cased from their application name, and URL names which are the application name with '_index' appended. You now need to include this context processor in the list of template context processors that are called for every page. You do this by using the TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting; unfortunately, if this isn't listed (and it isn't by default) then you get a set of four very useful context processors that you don't want to miss, so you have to include them all explicitly if you override this setting. So in your file you need to further add:

The most inconvenient part of the whole lot is that you now have to use a specific subclass of the Context class in every template you render in order to get these context processors working. You need to do this anyway if you're writing a site that uses permissions, so there is good justification for doing it. For every render_to_response call you make, you now have to add a third argument - a RequestContext object. These calls will now look like:

    return render_to_response('template_file.html', {
        # dictionary of stuff to pass to the template
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
The last line is the one that's essentially new.

Finally, you have to get your template to show it! This looks like:

<ul>{% for app in app_names %}
<li><a class="{% ifequal this_app %}menu_selected{% else %}menu{% endifequal %}"
 href="{{ app.url }}">{{ app.display_name }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}</ul>
With the apprporiate amount of CSS styles, you now get a list of applications with the current one selected, and whenever you add an application this will automatically change to include that new application. Yes, of course, the solution may be more complicated in the short term - but the long term benefits quite make up for it in my opinion. And (again in my opinion) we haven't done anything that is too outrageous or made

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