Too Busy For Words - the PaulWay Blog

Fri 9th Nov, 2007

Perl, Ajax and the learning experience - part 001

AJAX as a thing I use regularly on web pages is still an unknown territory to me, a person who's still not entirely au fait with CSS and who still uses Perl's CGI module to write scripts from scratch. I understand the whole technology behind AJAX - call a server-side function and do something with the result when it comes back later - but I lacked a toolkit that could make it relatively easy for me to use. Then I discovered CGI::Ajax and a light begun to dawn.

Of course, there were still obstacles. CGI::Ajax's natural way of doing things is for you to feed all your HTML in and have it check for the javascript call and handle it, or mangle the script headers to include the javascript, and spit out the result by itself. All of my scripts are written so that the HTML is output progressively by print statements. This may be primitive to some and alien to others, but I'm not going to start rewriting all my scripts to pass gigantic strings of HTML around. So I started probing.

Internally this build_html function basically does:

if ($cgi->param('fname')) {
    print $ajax->handle_request;
} else {
    # Add the <script> tags into your HTML here
For me this equates to:

if ($cgi->param('fname')) {
    print $ajax->handle_request;
} else {
    print $cgi->header,
        $cgi->start_html( -script => $ajax->show_javascript ),
        # Output your HTML here
I had to make one change to the CGI::Ajax module, which I duly made up as a patch and sent upstream: both CGI's start_html -script handler and CGI::Ajax's show_javascript method put your javascript in a <script> tag and then a CDATA tag to protect it against being read as XML. I added an option to the show_javascript method so that you say:

        $cgi->start_html( -script => $ajax->show_javascript({'no-script-tags' => 1}) ),
and it doesn't output a second set of tags for you.

So, a few little tricks to using this module if you're not going to do things exactly the way it expects. But it can be done, and that will probably mean, for the most of us, that we don't have to extensively rewrite our scripts in order to get started into AJAX. And I can see the limitations of the CGI::Ajax module already, chief amongst them that it generates all the Javascript on the fly and puts it into every page, thus not allowing browsers to cache a javascript file. I'm going to have a further poke around and see if I can write a method for CGI::Ajax that allows you to place all the standard 'behind-the-scenes' Javascript it writes into a common file, thus cutting down on the page size and generate/transmit time. This really should only have to be done once per time you install or upgrade the CGI::Ajax module.

Now to find something actually useful to do with Ajax. The main trap to avoid, IMO, is to cause the page's URL to not display what you expect after the Javascript has been at work. For instance, if your AJAX is updating product details, then you want the URL to follow the product's page. It should always be possible to bookmark a page and come back to that exact page - if nothing else it makes it easier for people to find your pages in search engines.

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