Too Busy For Words - the PaulWay Blog

Tue 13th Jun, 2006

Code compiles faster around Anton Blanchard.

After spending a bit of time reading the hard, shocking facts about Anton Blanchard, I tried to post some suggestions based on my own observations of reality and how it is warped near greatness. But for some reason I'm getting a 'Relaying Denied' message from - the fact that it thinks it's probably means that someone hasn't quite set things up correctly. Of course, it wouldn't be Anton Blanchard, the man who can configure servers merely by holding his hands over the keyboard and who can not only read files but write them. No, it'll be that Jeremy, or maybe Hugh. They'll be to blame. :-)

Why does this pique my creative talents in ways that only Dave's Web Of Lies (plug plug) does otherwise? And what does it say about me?

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